Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

4 Subjects

2.25 Class Discussion

2.25 Class Discussion

Q 2.25 Edward Said "Orientalism" - Class Discussion Instructions: 1. As you watch the video pay careful attention to what the narrator says about the social and cultural impact of ethnic stereotypes is. 2. Post a discussion entry (10 lines) where you discuss how the video addresses the question of why the West created the cultural construct of orientalism. Make sure to refer to the conceptual framework of the question we are addressing in this project about why cultures and communities create the other. 3. Comment on one other post (7 lines).

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I never knew that how the US showing and shaping our way of viewing the rest of the world, like the middle east, was called orientalism. The social and cultural impact of keeping the middle east constantly appearing as a threat and stereotyped as dangerous is bigger than what I had imagined. Apparently, The media only discriminates and shows the people of the US mostly one certain type of Islamic character to make us afraid of them on purpose;